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I loved this game so much and am going to show it to my friends but just a bit of advice from my experience with the game when the day is over and the customer leaves right when I serve them their food the food stays and I'm stuck and can't progress. But I still had so much fun with it though!


thank you so much! sorry about the bug. Right now I'm focused on the full version but I will try to fix it when I have some free time

No problem! Is there a planned release date for the full version?


not yet!! there's so much to do and I also have a full-time job 

cute game ヅ keep it up

tysm ❤️

Love this game!!! So chill and peaceful love itttttt!!!!!!

I'm so glad you enjoyed it!!

I'm so glad you replied!!! Thanks for this game and keep up the amazing work!!!!!


I want to squish these lil animal fellas and bring them home to chill with. Great game!

thank you for playing!!


AAAAAA SO MUCH FUUUUN Literally obsessed with this!!!!! One thing I would suggest though is adding another jar so you can have all of the jams made at once, other than that its quite literally ~perfection~ you're crazy talented 


tysm!! Im glad you enjoyed it

this game is awsome, it is a mix of two things i like cozy games and cooking games! never give up! < 

thank you so much I appreciate it a lot ❤️

omg this game is so so so cute! i love how it looks and it really calms me down! when playing i feel like working in an actual shop and thats like my dream so i personally find this soooo cool!!! recommend!

Thank you so much ✨

(1 edit) (+2)

This is an adorable game, I liked mixing the ingredients, oh and I reached 18 reviews on Day 5, once I realized what the savory food was, and also is there an achievement for getting all the things in the fishing minigame?


sorry no achievements but personal fulfillment! Lol. Hope you had fun!!! <3

Yea, I had a lot of fun with this game, plus Autumn is one of my favourite seasons so yea


Very cute and cozy game! I enjoy combining the elements.

Thank you so much <3


absolutely adorable!!!

Thank you, I hope you had fun!!



I love it everything is cute but maybe you should add more ingredients and different animals anyway its super nice and calming 


this game was made in under 20 days for a game jam so it had to be short :) I'm currently developing a full version of this game with different food and animals

thank you for playing :D

thats great to hear! when is the full version gonna be drop off? 

hopefully within 2023 :)

I really want to play but when I go to the (web) game it's just a black screen..,,,
is this a "your computer is bad" thing?

Sorry about that! What browser are you using?


Windows 10

It should be working... If the game does not load at all, there's not much I can do (no one else reported it and a black screen does not give me enough info to find a fix). 

It would be great if you could download and play the windows version at the bottom of the page, it's free! It should work better than web (And tell me if you like it!!) 

I hope you enjoy my little game and sorry for the inconvenience


It ... is.....
100% OK!!!
I'm going to download it and  give feedback then :]

Sweet! Hope you like it!

(1 edit)

I dont know how to operate the fishing game, how do i attract more customers?

(edit: i found out, also got 20 customers in one day!)

Great!! Thank you for playing, I hope you had fun


Hello Anaïs,

My name is Antonia Gates, I manage the games at I really enjoyed NOM NOM, I think it would be a great fit on our site!

I'm writing to ask if the game is available for non-exclusive licensing. Our licenses are totally non-exclusive, so you would maintain all of the IP rights and could continue to develop and distribute the game however you'd like to.

Please let me know if it is available, and how much it would cost. I'm looking forward to discussing this with you soon!

Best regards,

Antonia Gates

(1 edit)

I only just found this game today and it might be one of my favourites. it's so chill and sweet and also makes me hungry easily. I don't think I can get a higher score than 17  customers though.

That's great!! Thank you so much I'm so glad you like my little game :D

I beat the challenge im proud of myself. 

Yay!! Thank you so much for playing, I hope you enjoyed it!

Thank you for making this little gem! It's super relaxing to play and I LOVE the art style! Made my day brighter <33

thank you so much im glad you enjoyed it!!

i love this so much . from the artstyle to the actual gameplay ! such a comforting game !

thank you so much :)

Love the game! It's got sweet and comfy vibes 


Thank you!


this game is so friggin wholsome I love it :) the art and music is amazing, like seriously, the cozy vibes from this game is off the charts lol, thank you for making something so wonderful

thank you so much!! I'm glad you enjoyed it

on my 5th day, i got 14 good review! also maybe tell us how to play the fish game

for the fish game! only pull up when you hear a "bloop", the "bleep" sounds don't have anything


hello! In the fishing game, the bait gets under the water and splashes, the sound is also different. This was made for a jam so my time was limited and tutorials are a bit lacking

Thank you so much for playing, I hope you enjoyed it!


Woowwwwww I love this game so much! I have a question, although I feel the answer is going to be no, would you ever consider making this as an actual game on the app store?


Thank you so much! It's something that's definitely on my mind. Hopefully I get some free time soon and I can start working on it :) Thank you for your interest!


really cute game! i love it 🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂


Thank you so much!!! 

all i see are pancakes, how do i access the other foods? (on browser)

(1 edit)

Click the white arrows on the left and right to switch dishes :) there's a gif in the description that shows it. Hope you enjoy it.


ah, i see it now thank you!

how do you get out of the review website screen? otherwise, very cute. :) 

Theres a "close" or "X" button on the top right corner. If you cannot click it it's because of Itch's "Submission to Great Autumn Game Jam" button covering it. Just scroll the page and click on the X. Hope that helps, thanks for playing


i become sad when customer sad :C. what is the savory and the sour :'C


pancakes are sweet, the cheese board is savory and the yoghurt is sour

what? what cheese board-

also what are the sparkles for, aren't they the flavor?


 - (Sparkles are decorative and do not influence ratings)

You make the jam and then use it on a dish that is savory, sweet or sour.

ohhhhhhhhh, this makes a lot more sense

ty,  great game btw, cute graphics and dialogs <3

I got too excited on downloading i forgot to read how to play-


Thank you so much!


this game was really relaxing, with good music, characters, sounds, and gameplay. perfect autumn jam!!

Thank you so much

I'm playing the game (Windows update version) and is so cute, colorful and relaxing. Congrats!  q:D

Thanks a lot!


100/10 stars

thank you so much!


i thought this was a horror game XD


I love this game so much! The music is perfect and the artwork is AMAZING! It's such a relaxing game; I love making different types of jams and playing the fishing game on the phone.

Thank you a ton!


this is just soooo cute! i love the literal interpretation of a game jam!

thank you so much!

Simply adorable! From the graphics to the music to the deliciously creative jams, this game is the perfect autumn pick!

(1 edit)

Thank you!

how do you make it sour?

(1 edit)

Serve the jam with yoghurt instead of pancakes! ;)

The game got good graphic (remind me of telltale) and the animals are really cute. Gameplay got a lot of mechanic from the phone to fishing and gifting. Although the jam making is really easy but it's still fun to memorize and read the text that pops up. A good game to play after a tense day. But I did notice two bugs. The first one the jam don't get made after I click the make button and the second one the customer just walk out immediately after getting to the counter so the jam doesn't register then I get bad reviews for the day. Maybe it's a one time thing, but I just want to give a head up. Cool game anyway, 8/10. Also, I did a looksie at it: 


Thank you so much for playing and recording! You did amazing!

The jam was made, it was saved in the previous spot because that jar was not filled, but it's something I will change once I'm allowed to update the game  (when the gamejam voting period ends), I see that it can be confusing. 

The customer leaving is something I had never seen happen so I'll look into it. 

Thank you again!

This is cool! I'm just confused o what to do next after the reviews but good graphics and its really really really cute!

Hello! When the website pops up you can close it clicking on the 'X'. Unfortunately's "Submission for Great Autumn Game jam 2021" is too long and it blocks input in a good area surrounding it. You can scroll the page (the real one) a little bit and the button will work as expected. You can then play on the phone during the night or go to sleep and start a new day.

I'll update with some changes to fix this when the jam is over. Thank you for playing!

Wow impressive, really beautiful, cute and calm game. I love cooking game too, so this was perfect. Really inspiring ! 

Thank you so much! Please consider rating the submission if you haven't yet!

this is cute and awesome. I hope there are updates because I would pay for this


thank you so much! There's definitely an update planned for bug fixes and a better way to introducing mechanics but I think I need to wait until the jam rating period is over to push it. Thank you for your interest, I'd love to add content

Lovely entry, got a tiny bit confused the first minute but got the hang of it quickly. Love the interactions with the customers, lot of attention to small details and the art is just wonderful :) Rated!

Thank you so, so much!

Loved it! What a game! Almost everything was perfect! Good Job!

Thank you so much! Please consider rating the submission for the jam

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